All customers receive their own personalised thumbnails that are tailored specifically to their channel.
You can see this with many of our already existing customers, each of which have unique designs that vary drastically from other channels we work with. By looking at the information you provide for us and doing our own research, we are able to determine which thumbnails we believe will do best for your channel in particular!
We have worked with channels from contrasting genres and pride ourselves on being able to tackle any audience on YouTube! Whether it’s gaming, vlogging, movie reviews, business, whatever, we can create a thumbnail for you!
Fraser2TheMax was one of our very first customers and we have been collaborating with him for a long time now. We have helped realise a unique, highly personalised design for his content which features either his face or his Roblox character projected over a background featuring the shenanigans that each video entails.
Beyond just his video thumbnails, Fraser2TheMax is a member of our Plus Package service therefore all of the channel art, logos and all other artwork you see on his channel has also been designed by us. We helped Fraser2TheMax in a rebrand as he aimed to evolve his content so it could become slightly more mature while keeping his core audience.
One of our non-gaming clients is Outsourcing Boss, an educational business channel that seeks to enlighten his viewers on all of the tricks and secrets of the outsourcing world as well as other tips to help establish your business.
He is a relatively new channel therefore we have only designed a few thumbnails for him however as a Plus Package Member, Outsourcing Boss also received a high-quality and recognisable logo with a modern yet sophisticated background art for his channel to help him launch his content.
One of our customers that have undergone the most change in their content is MadaVoid, a former Fortnite challenge tutorial channel that now creates content for the video game World of Warcraft. With his old content, we created simplistic, eye-catching designs with vibrant colours featuring the objective of the video in his thumbnails.
Now that he has shifted into becoming a World of Warcraft channel his content has evolved past challenge tutorials to all kinds of videos, with a totally new take on thumbnails that varies depending on the video. With the shift in content, MadaVoid’s colour scheme for his channel has taken a darker pallet change to combine with the darker game and older audience, with hues of purple and black making up his logo, artwork, and thumbnails. You too can receive this level of detail with our Plus Package.